Task 35
Task 35
SHC Task 35

PV/Thermal Systems

Project (Task) Objectives

The objectives of Task 35 "PV/Thermal Solar Systems" are to catalyse the development and market introduction of high quality and commercial competitive PV/Thermal Solar Systems and to increase general understanding and contribute to internationally accepted standards on performance, testing, monitoring and commercial characteristics of PV/Thermal Solar Systems in the building sector.

Activities include international collaboration on scientific, architectural, and commercial aspects. Task Experts will be assigned from Universities, Technological Test Institutes for solar applications, and selected from engineers and architects in the field of building integrated solar applications, manufacturers of photovoltaic systems and solar thermal systems, building clients, financing bodies and marketing consultants with experience in the field of renewable energy.

Objectives of the Joint Working Group

The basic activities listed for the Joint Working Group was:

  • Set up the necessary definitions and methodologies for evaluation of PV/T-systems, both re. thermal and electrical output and efficiency
  • Provide an overview of all activities going on nationally on the field of PV/T
  • Carry out technical and economical evaluations of existing systems and projects
  • Evaluate the potential for increased use of PV/T-systems in the IEA member countries
  • Identify the barriers of increased use of PV/T and possible ways to overcome these
  • Provide results directly addressed to designers, manufacturers and researchers involved in the design of PV/T systems.